Friday, October 10, 2008

Day's advice: Hug it out

Yes, taken from the quote catalog of the great Michael Scott (Steve Carell, The Office), "Hug it out, Bitch." Whereas once these words were a mere line to comfort a girl - any girl - during an advice-giving conversation regarding her and a once-best-friend; the saying has hit home and has gently rest upon the compassionate beating walls of my ever so sensitive heart.

Well it's a long story to be honest, so to keep with common theme from a previous post, I came up with an equation to explain the situation:

1 over-stressed manager + 1 overly optimistic AC + 2 months on a mini school bus together = a laundry list of conflicting view points and climaxing anger

So you're asking, what's the bottom line? What exactly is it, Steve, that you are trying to tell us? Why are you explaining something that I could have learned via one simple and hilarious episode of The Office? Well - friends - because sometimes you just need to let bygones be bygones, and so on and so on.

Tuck your Colbert sized egos in your pocket, spill your tears (for you emotional folks) - then look each other in the eye, explain your dislikes, accept their dislikes, and then... HUG IT OUT!