Sunday, October 5, 2008

Protesting Homeless People

That’s right, protesting homeless people. Well, what I mean is that I saw homeless people protesting… make more sense?

Fortunately, for those of you who know me, you all (“y’all for you southern folk) definitely know that I am a giver, a community involver, a pediatric visitor, a lover night a fighter (I know, that last one does not apply here, but it fit with the rhyme). HOWEVER, when I see homeless people standing outside of a building, protesting, a barrage of judgmental jabs and jokes, along with biased opinions raced through my head. So, here is my official note to you distraught drifters of the Big Apple…

Dear Homeless Protesters,

Now I understand that you were protesting to keep a building from being torn down, which is by all means admirable. But in all honesty, I cannot be the only one who thinks that your time could be MUCH better spent – I don’t know, say looking for a job!

How about this, for all of you homeless people (who I give money to and volunteer for) who have Internet access and may have somehow come across this posting, I suggest you use your rallying powers, rack up the wrath and whit you all showed the other day, and use that tenacity to find jobs (suggestion: if you’re going to protest then do it for help from city officials to get yourselves some jobs).

I’ll make you a deal, you do that – protest for a reputable and time worthy cause – and I’ll do my part by calling some media and explain how you all are rallying together to improve your home sweet home (think the movie Hancock… we could be sitting on a goldmine).

